Analytics » What is Reporting Database

What is a Reporting Database

Virtutem Analytics organizes all the information created into logical entities called Databases . A database is a logical grouping of data sets (stored in entities called Tables ) and all the reports created over the same. The database also contains structural information on how the data (table) is organized, and offers users ways for filtering, editing and reporting on that data.

The Virtutem Administrator creates a reporting database and is the owner/administrator of the database. Only the administrator can delete the database created by him/her.

A Virtutem Client User may be a Database Owner and he/she controls the access privileges of the database i.e., who can access, create reports and edit data in the database.

The list of databases shared to you will be listed in the home screen. You can choose the database to work from the listing in the home page.

In this chapter we will discuss about the following: